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EquitableHousing,Land,& Development Policies
New York City’s current policies allow for land and housing speculation that drives up the cost of living for everybody... read more
Labor Equity
a high priority of the People’s Cultural Plan is the rebalancing of the workforce to include people of color in all levels of the cultural sector... read more
Public Funding EquityFunding
Funding to arts and culture is one of the most unequally distributed resources in NYC, earning a score of just 10 out of 100... read more
Indigenous communities, black communities and all communities of color have been disproportionately disenfranchised through historically unjust policy making. We call on the DCLA to endorse and support all of the following demands in its Cultural Plan for New York City, and we call on The State and City of New York to implement the necessary legislation that will lead to true equity for all New Yorkers.
Read the Full Plan
The plan
Cultural Plan
read the plan
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